Date from which you wish to avail the facility: : *
Residential Address: : *
Nearest Landmark: : *
Residential Phone Number: :
Father's Mobile No: : *
Mother's Mobile No: : *
E-mail: : *
Pick up point ( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY): :
Drop point ( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY): :
Distance from school ( In Kms OFFICE USE ONLY): :
Please note that the student will be brought back to the school if the Attendant / Authorized Person is not available at the nodal point. The student will not be dispersed from School, if the Attendant / Authorized Person does not report to school during dispersal of the student from School :
The Pick-up and Drop Point of any address will be confirmed by the Transport Manager after checking the Route list and Seats availability · Change of Address (if any) during the Academic Year to be informed atleast one month prior to the Transport Manager to plan the pick-up and drop point · To follow the safety guidelines for COVID-19 · If the student is picked up by an Attendant / Authorized Person, Valid Pick-up Card of the Person escorting the student is mandatory